
Using microsoft remote desktop connection for mac
Using microsoft remote desktop connection for mac

using microsoft remote desktop connection for mac

Using the IP address of the Windows machine, CoRD just grinds away for a minute or so and then times out. If I use the Windows machine's iPV4 address, it works on it for a minute and then tosses up this error message: While you are still on campus please check if you are set as an administrator on your Windows workstation by clicking on the Windows start menu icon in the. If you want to share a configuration you can select the target under My Desktops and either right-click and select Export or from the Microsoft Remote.

Using microsoft remote desktop connection for mac how to#

Any idea how to make it work for Windows 7 It seems to me that it work sometimes. I can share clipboard between mac and Windows XP but Windows7. In VS Code, select Remote-SSH: Connect to Host. I use Remote Desktop Connection on my 10.6.2 to connect to Windows XP and Windows7. MS RDC will complain that it cannot find the Windows computer if I just use the Windows computer name. ssh userhostname Or for Windows when using a domain / AAD account ssh userdomainhostname. 3389 is the default port.' I was frustrated with this until recently, when on a whim, I entered the port number preceded by a colon immediately after the IP address of the remote site (e.g., ). When connected to the office network (which is running MS Small Business Server 2011 Standard) both CoRD and MS RDC will connect to my desktop machine just fine! (My MacBook Pro runs Mountain Lion.) Unfortunately, Microsoft claims that 'the Remote Desktop Connection Client for the Mac supports only port 3389. I am unable to connect from my home network to the Windows 7 Professional machine at my office, using either Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (2.1.1) for Mac or the open source CoRD program.

Using microsoft remote desktop connection for mac